Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Hills like white elephants - poetry

We could have everything.
I guess so.
We can have the whole world.
I guess so.
We can go everywhere.
I guess so.

We could have everything.
No, we can't.
We can have the whole world.
No, we can't.
We can go everywhere.
No, we can't.

We could have everything.
I’ll scream.
We can have the whole world.
I’ll scream.
We can go everywhere.
I’ll scream.


  1. I find it interesting, because it gives me the impression of a same person talking but changing his point of view as quickly as the new thoghts came to his mind. It appears the positive view, the negative one, and the last which is the scared one, maybe the worst because fear prevent us of doing so many things...It is not like you dont want to do something, or you cant, You dont do something because it scares you.

  2. Is it not a dialogue with the girl providing the rejections "I guess so", "No we can't" & "I'll scream". It pares the story down to its essence, something a poem is good at...

  3. I think this is a very interesting approach. The way I understand it; It's a battle within oneself-
    the optimistic part and/or the dreaming part of a person thinking that "We could.."
    But the negative/realistic part prevents it- Then in the third verse where this inner debate has driven the person crazy; "I'll scream"
