Cook‘s log: January 23rd evening on board the John F. Kennedy arctic explorer II
It’s been quite an eventful day. First thing I did was to cook up my cauliflower soup, taking whatever I could from our rations to pulverize in my blender. I used cans with chicken/duck/rooster flavour, some garlic, tree onions and a sack full of Atlantic potatoes. I fear I’m at a Dead end. One time the crew put on a sign on my cauldron saying: Bottomless pit – 65 feet deep. My guys are really gonna be longing for KFC’s after eating this.
I was told a strange story by the radioman. He had just intercepted a Canadian radio channel, which played a lipstick commercial for Revlon followed by a silly country song called “Caution, this sign has sharp edges”. The first lines went something like:
Hank, let’s talk about your daddy
Tell me how your momma loved that man
Well, just break a bottle hoss
I’ll tell ya’ about the drifting cowboy band
I could understand why he had put the following sign on that radio: Be careful, this machine has no brain, use your own. However he was able to get one conversation through for me:
Hey, Champ, how was the lecture?
It was okay, happy to be home with Lucas.
Yeah, that reminds me, what are you doing tomorrow night, all of you?
I think we’re going to have my in laws coming over, but I don’t know.
Makes me think of how far this Sirius expedition is from home. I miss my family, even my annoying mother in law with her addiction to Skittles or my son Harry. I laugh each time I think of how he explained gravity: “It’s falling down. Because you can’t stay on/up there, can you? Because you just fall, and you can’t fly. That’s why”. I remember reading “The Golden Compass” aloud to him under his silly lamp, only to hear him complain about the absence of hammers and revolvers in it. He’s gonna be a tough guy when he grows up.
I think the solitude is driving me crazy. All I have to amuse myself with in my room is a poster of “The Clocks” and a sign saying “When flooded turn around, don’t drown”. I’m gonna Stop writing for now. I need to find out what is lurking outside the porthole.
Louise and Niels
Today’s Saturday Stumper
12 hours ago
Not sure how much this qualifies as travel writing, although the letter genre could be used in travelogues I suppose. The integration of the ingredients is not all that smooth, but the comic effect (country song, signs, etc.) are pretty hilarious. The character of the cook is well-rounded, though!