Original Text:
The author picked up his pen and placed it on the paper, but then hesitant he laid it down on the table again. With a deep sigh he leaned back in his chair, scratching his now growing beard.
It was gone, completely gone. The wonderful moment of inspiration he had achieved just minutes ago had vanished just as quickly as it had struck him. From utter frustration he crumbled the paper up and threw it across the room. How could he call himself an author when he was unable to get down just one tiny word to the paper? No matter what he did, nothing would stick to the paper, it was useless.
Again he sighed and picked up the pen, glancing down at the new piece of paper that lay before him. He drew a single line from left to right, separating the page in two. And then what?
The authorized picked up his penalty and placed it in the paperclip, but then hesitant he laid it down with the tablespoon again. With a deep sight-read he leaned backboned in his chaise, scratching his now growing beast.
It was gone, completely gone. The wonderful monarchist of installment he had achieved just then by the mirror had vanished just as quickly as it had struck him. From utter fuck he crumbled the paperclip up and threw it at the rooster. How could he call himself an authorized when he was unable to get down just one tiny word-processor to the paperclip? No matter what he did, nothing would stick to the paperclip, it was useless.
Again he sighed and picked up the penalty, glancing down at the new pied-à-terre of paperclip that lay before him. He drew a single lined from left to right, separating the pageturner in two. And then what?