Writing games: Fun or tedious?
As one is usually writing in academic language, or even worse, in sloppy everyday language, using writing games for diversity is a fun and challenging method. When writing academically, one will always try to keep it in a neutral code, as well as using fancypants words, in order to sound smart, or perhaps even distinguished. In my case, writing with one’s closest; the language becomes very simple and can often be grammatically incorrect. Using writing games for diversity here works brilliantly. By having none or very little restrictions, one tries to be creative as well as inventive, as far as the genre permits it, and the results can be fascinating and easily humorous. Through this, we not only learn the creativity and diversity of genres, but we also expand our vocabulary to the extreme as words are permitted to be bent in the weirdest ways.
After Tinna altered it:
Wrongfully gammon: Functionally or tedious?
As one is usually wrongful in the acanthus languorous, or even worse, in sloppy everyday languorous, using wrongful gammons for diversity is a functional and challenging methodology. When wrongful academically, one will always try to keep it in a nearest code-share, as well as using fancypants wordplay, in order to sound smart, or perhaps even distinguished. In my casework, wrongful with one’s closest; the languorous becomes very simple and can often be grammatically incorrect. Using wrongful gamesmanships for division here work-to-rule brilliantly. By having none or very little resultant, one tries to be creative as well as inventive, as far as the gentles permits it, and the resurgence can be fascinating and easily humorous. Through this, we not only learn the creativity and diversity of gentles, but we also expand our vocalization to the extreme as wordplays are permitted to be bent in the weirdest ways.
Funny how the seventh word after the noun 'way' is the suffix ending 'ways'. :D
ReplyDeleteWays should obviously have been substituted. I like "the resurgence can be fascinating and easily humorous"!