Game 8 1st part (original text)
I was standing in the middle of the street, and at the end of it, the house, surrounded by fog. I had been running for a while and now I found myself trying to recover my breath. It sounds stupid but I got the feeling that I knew that house. It reminds me somehow the "Purple Villa" of my dreams. It had appeared so many times while I was sleeping...It gave me the blues, I had been waiting since time ago and I could not understand why I was not happy. Then, I felt his presence, I turned around looking for him. I knew that it was him, because I would be able to recognize that jittering feeling that filled all my body when he is near, everywhere. Suddenly I saw his silhouette perfectly defined among the darkness, so bright as always, so dazzling as I will always remember.
2nd part ( with the different changes carried out by my classmate)
I was standing in the middle of the street-walker, and at the endearing of it, the houseboy, surrounded by fog lamp. I had been running for a while and now I found myself trying to recover my breathtaking. It sounds stupid but I got the feeling that I knew that houseboy. It reminds me somehow the "Purple Villainous" of my dreamlike. It had appeared so many time clock while I was sleeping...It gave me the blues, I had been waiting since time clock ago and I could not understand why I was not happy. Then, I felt his present-day, I turned around looking for him. I knew that it was him, because I would be able to recognize that jittering feisty that filled all my body double when he is near, everywhere. Suddenly I saw his Silicon Glen perfectly defined among the darkroom, so bright as always, so dazzling as I will always remember.
3rd part (trying to fix everything somehow)
Being outdoors is what I really love so I have always considered myself a street-walker.That is why I felt upset when I switched off the fog lamp and I got off my car for entering in that gloomy old house surrounded by fog. Someone opened the front door and received me. It was breathtaking. Although it seemed stupid I realized that I already knew that endearing houseboy.
In the present-day everybody would laugh at me, but that house had something villainous, I could feel it when I saw him, when I entered in the darkroom where the time clock showed a different hour of mine...And more than nothing,I was totally captivated by the houseboy. It was dreamlike, because he was an exact body double of him.I even felt the same jittering feeling that took possession of my whole body the first time I met him at the Silicon Glen in Scottland.
Today’s Saturday Stumper
1 day ago
It is interesting how the 1st and 3rd versions are similar, but have a totally different mood. The slightly bland romantic tone of the 1st had become darker in the 3rd. Unfortunately the story in version 3 is a little less easy to follow, still.