What makes a sentence depressed? Hmmm, could it perchance be too many i's? Or too many p's (p is a VERY depressing letter)? This ever-popular subject was, however, studied by professor Marcel P. Figg who was hell-bent on finding a cure for depressed sentences.Alas, poor wee Marcel P. Figg studied said subject so forcefully he himself became as depressed as the following sentence: "pretty people are pretty plain (ouch, that's a lot of p's >.<)Thus, dear reader, ends this particular and kinda sad story. But hey, let's all take better care of depressed sentences in the future. And especially those containing a vast amount of p's. END! ^_^
Word of the day: backwords
12 hours ago
Brings to mind the phrase "mind your p's and q's", although that doesn't really have anything to do with one of those letters being particularly depressing...
ReplyDeleteI like the idea, and the creativity you display: names, ideas, phrases - good!