For next week's home writing game/exercise, you need to pick a genre to write within, so look at the slides for sessions 3 and 4, and try to think of what is specific for each genre in terms of form and function - in other words: what reading protocol or contract a specific genre presupposes between writer and readership.
Then the task is to remediate and/or rewrite one of the four texts you have read for today:
1. Tom Wolfe's example of New Journalism: excerpt from The Right Stuff - click the link to download...
2. A.S. Byatt's 'review' of the Harry Potter phenomenon - this text from The New York Times runs over two pages - don't forget to read the last page too!
3. The blog post from 3QuarksDaily on sex and the religious right - click the link to download
4. - or finally the Hemingway short story Hills Like White Elephants - which you have to copy from the master shelf...
Illustration above: Douglas Adams' typewriter....
Below are the dudes and dudettes whose texts you can choose between for your genre-specific re-write:
A.S. Byatt - all bundled up...
Hemingway - passport, 1921...
Tom Wolfe - dandyfied
Dagmar Herzog - history professor, City University of New York...
Click the links to learn more about the person whose text you will be fiddling with!
HCR on 1/20/25
17 hours ago
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